Do you think primary physicians should know more improving health with nutrition?...


New member
Sep 3, 2011
...Told Dr. I felt a deficiency? was at the root of lifelong anxiety after doing my own thorough research. I even printed out some pages from reputable sources.

She said she has no training in treating with vitamins and instead offered a prescription for XANAX, Oh, brother....

Did you know that a cause of chronic stress is a blood disorder, in which pyroles, a worthless by product of blood synthesis block receptor sites to B-6 & zinc. Among other things B-6 and zinc directly help maintain a healthy mental state. B-6 utilizes protein for energy. When your body is in this state you do not have zinc to oppose copper & will also become estrogen dominant, like me & then eventually hypothyroid.

I am P. O.' d Should I have to go to doctors that my insurance won't pay for because they consider them alternative when any doctor should understand basic biochemistry & vitamin process in the body.

I know this is sounding like a rant, so back to my question; shouldn't my family physician be qualified to help me? If what she says is true, that they have no training then all they have to offer are pills. Indeed, they are pill pushers. "No, we can't help you be well, but take a XANAX, while you slowly die."

Seriously, if you are depressed and have high anxiety that began as a teen (maybe later depending on circumstances) read about Mauve Factor, pyrroles & the affects of vitamin deficiency. This creates tremendous oxidative stress and is implicated in many brain disorders such as autism, schizophrenia, alcoholism & others.

I am sick about this. I read a lot, but I am not a doc and cannot treat myself.
Well said Mr. E.

Round 2, I know I should ignore you.

You did not read thoroughly, but no matter. What you did pick up on, rightly, is my frustration. Under the protection of the anonymity of this forum you are able to say what you really feel. Well, we feel your disdain when we are in your office, even if words go unsaid.

Uneducated in medicine, I lack the vernacular and understanding to lay out information in the way a scientist would respect.

You are wrong, though. I don't expect you to know of it, but you sound the fool by saying it isn't so.
How many meds are you taking Gary?
I still agree with Mr. E.'s statement.

I am just someone who is painstakingly joining pieces of my health puzzle. I have considered my mothers medical history & am seeking the correct answers for an ailing child. This fits & believe me it is a complex situation. Sure would like the chance under a doctor's care to get well.
Of course the doctor has no training training in quackery! She's a proper doctor. And you are wrong - she is very well qualified to help you.

You are basically rubbishing 1000s of depression/anxiety researchers, scientists and organisations who work in this area every day. Forget all this hard science, just pop a B-6 and a zinc pill.

I think you'll find it's a lot more complicated than that.

PS: further to Tink's answer I would add that Mr E claims that Japan's earthquake and nuclear disaster was a government population control exercise. This should give you an idea of what you can expect from the alternative medicine crowd. And no regular altie on this forum has ever challenged his bad advice that includes gems like hio chiropractic can treat diabetes, epilepsy, cancer and any other condition that you may care to ask about.

EDIT: No meds at the moment except the occasional ibuprufin - which works a hell of lot better than B group vitamin supplements for migraines.

"their business is disease maintenance, not health restoration". If you truly believe this, then I'm very sorry for you. What do you suppose antibiotics do? Have you heard of preventive medicine? Why does every doctor advise smokers to give up?

I feel sorry for doctors who have to endure patients who walk in armed with self diagnoses and treatments gleaned from doctor google....
Doctors, for all their intelligence and education, don't know it all and tend to limit themselves to what they learned in medical school, studies performed by their peers, and by the brain washing handed out by the pharmaceutical companies.

How many drugs were touted by big pharma as The Next Big Thing, only to find out years later that it was hurting and killing people, until finally the FDA bans the drug? Happens again and again, and will continue to happen. Doctors listen to big pharma, push their pills, and the shareholders wealth skyrockets.

Too many doctors do not know what to do for MANY problems other than prescribe drugs. You have anxiety? Instead of taking the time to teach you how to handle, deal with, and overcome anxiety, they simply give you xanax - a potent and addictive drug that in the end just makes anxiety worse. Why do they do this? Because they don't have the time to work with you, don't know how to teach you this, or both. Because drugs is how they treat things like this.

I spent a year and a half taking about 12 different drugs because my doctor assured me I needed them. Blood pressure, cholesterol, sleep, pain, prostate, anxiety. In the end I told my doctor to take his pills and shove them. I quit taking the drugs, and my health started to improve. I am healthier now than I've been in years, and certainly in much better shape than I was when I was taking all of the pills my doctor assured me would make everything all better. My blood pressure is normal, my cholesterol is normal, I sleep fine, the pain is gone (it was actually caused by one of the drugs he gave me), my prostate is fine, and the anxiety (also caused by one of the drugs he gave me) went away. All of this WITHOUT pills!

Yes, Doctors treat many diseases, and their drugs help many people. But there is a line in the sand, and when you cross that line, their pills don't help you at all and can make you worse, or even kill you. Too many doctors do not have the wisdom to know when to stop.

I have gained a LOT of respect for alternative medicine practitioners after having suffered so much because of the pills my doctor assured me would make everything all better.
Former biochemist and current MD student here.

B6 does much more than protein metabolism. However, you seem to have read general BS and have almost no understanding of the basic biochem and physio to realize it. B6 deficiency is extremely rare due to the simple fact that it's universal in metabolism and any organism will contain it (i.e, unless you have pica you consume adequate B6).

I'm not gonna sit here and bother refuting your rant. You have zero evidence that you have a vitamin deficiency and if I saw you as a physician I'd hurry your psychosocial disorder having butt out of my office too. But that's only because in practice doctors are swamped with legitimate medical problems.

Which brings me to the previous responder. How does your true healing treat thyroid cancer, leukemia, phaeochromocytoma? How about simple infections, pneumonia, strangulated hernias, cleft palate, hemophilia, GH deficiency, pituitary apoplexy, colon cancer, myocardial infarction, stroke, diabetes, astmha, god the list goes on for days. All you'll do is say I'll balance you and allow you to heal yourself. How does that work when a person has a congenital deficiency, like in Gaucher's?

You alternative quacks offer absolutely nothing for these conditions. I didn't even touch my area of interest: trauma. That's something you quacks have less than nothing for.

You're absolutely right. All those years wasted studying and researching biochemistry, physiology, pathology, and so forth to be bested by a guy who spent a few hours perusing the Internet with no foundation to utilize in separating the BS from the plausible, the well supported from the pure hogwash. Thank you Mr. Green. I'm off now to hide in my house and cry. At least now I know that next time I can come to you when someone says he's feeling tired all the time. Only you can provide the guidance necessary to distinguish the guy with anemia due to colon cancer from the guy who's depressed or the guy who's just worried about his bills. Thank you sir.
The most common blood test done tells her if you are low in nutrition and if you need further testing in that regard. Mean corpuscle volume for example, tells her the size of the red blood cells - if they are large, she looks at another value, and that tells her if you need folic acid, or B-12, or iron, and so forth.

A CBC (complete blood count) is the most common test because it tells you so much and indicates in so many ways which further tests might be done.

Sounds like she didn't want to bother explaining. Doctors are taught an awful lot about nutrition....

Edit: Before giving Mr. E kudo's - you might want to know that he suggests "hole-in-one" chiropractic methods for EVERYTHNG. That's right, no matter what - CRACK THE NECK!
Well you see now. What you've been doing in this "research" of yours is not research, it's hunting through kook websites that bear no resemblance at all to medicine. Doctors understand about nutrition, and have been blathering on about it for decades to anyone who will listen.

Going in with a load of printouts from these kook websites that have nothing to do with medicine is going to tick anyone off. Frankly you sound like you're somewhat hypochondriac. As you say, you're not qualified to diagnose something, so the way this goes is for you to tell the doctor the symptoms and then the doctor makes a diagnosis asking further questions and running lab tests if required.

No it doesn't cause brain disorders, autism, schizophrenia, alcoholism or anything else. If you're an alcoholic stop drinking.
No. let them choose their path of so-called healing and LEAVE the "true" healing to the ones who believe in Natural Health and Healing.

Put those traditional doctors on hold (don't totally do away with them) and find a reliable Naturopathic, Natural Healing doctor.

oh that about Insurance - think about it you pay your Premiums ($$) then you pay the Deductible ($$) seems like it just a savings account they manage and pay for you. Mind you I'm NOT Anti-Insurance but the money we pay in premiums and deductibles we could "bury" in the backyard and pay the doctors ourselves, either traditional or alternative.