Do you believe in the 9/11 conspiracy theories?


New member
Aug 11, 2008
i was only 12 when 9/11 happened. i didnt even hear of conspiracy theories until last year.

i have seen some of the stuff on the whole consipiracy theory stuff. i had an english teacher who told my class that the government wants to try and kill us in secretive ways (he had some good points, but also sounded a little crazy too).

but i dont know if its fake and had been twisted around for the maker's message or if it is true.

what is your opinion?

do you believe in those theories?
the only thing im seeing in all this is that america is giving up more of their rights. my question for the theorists is, why would they do it? and believe, for a price or through some form of threat you could get people to participate. but i dont know which side is right the only thing i know is that america has given up lots of rights and that we have lost sight of the whole war thing (not that i ever truly understood it). im only 19...we barely (only a few times) have ever touched on 9/11 in school...
i dont know why but trying to make sense of both sides seems to give me a headache....both sides have such believeable evidence....