Do some men gossip with their friends about other men just like some women do?


Feb 2, 2009
My husband was talking to me today about a group of men at his work who would often sit around the break room table and gossip like little high school girls about other men and even some women. Saying things like "Seriously, I think he's a f a g." and "He needs to lose weight." and "I heard he was cheating on his wife" etc. Things like that.

I was wondering, is this common at all amongst men at bars, clubs, workplaces, high schools, etc?

No, my husband wasn't saying that, the men at his workplace were. He was just telling me what they said.
@Darth Vader,

I'd have to disagree with you on most of that. I can't stand the lofty standards men are pressured to follow by society. Totally unfair and pathetic. If you wanna know what I think, I think a "real man" is someone who takes responsibility for others, stands up for those who can't fend for themselves, protects his loved ones, and shows kindness and empathy.