Do people who practice the Thelema Religion, do you believe in a God or higher power?


New member
Jan 16, 2009
I am fascinated with Satanism and things like Thelema because I don't believe in an all knowing God anymore. I do believe in demons and angels but these can be differently interpreted.

I do believe in aliens and spirts and these may have seemed to be Gods over the centuries but they are not. We ourselves are Gods like the Bible which is very graphic and explicit such as Moses killing all the unbelievers or people who worshiped the Golden Calf and not his God.

We ourselves are the demons as well as angels in psychological sense I'd say. But then too there have been reported stories and evidence for existence of real Demons who have come to attack or respect us.

But these demons are not GOD but simply other outside living forces from other dimensions which books like the Qur'an details.

This is my view but no way does an all knowing God who can come down from the clouds come save us all. That is a complete fable and if you truly believe in that just look around at all the suffering! All the suffering makes sense in Darwinian natural selection which is why Satanism and Darwinian go hand in hand!