Do I need to waste money on an attorney or will this be laughed out of court?


New member
Nov 6, 2010
I have been divorced for over 25 years and marrying any one ever again has never been in my plans. Something I have never tried to hide. I figure if I made this far without a wife, I can make it to the grave.

The problem started at a Halloween Party at my house last Saturday, my girlfriend got really drunk. For the next 4 hours her became a royal pain wanting me to marry her.

So to shut her up I had my next door neighbor get in on the joke. He is from Guatemala and speaks perfect Spanish. The fact that he came to the party dressed as a priest did not hurt either. This is where I got the idea for the joke.

Anyway we downloaded some information from the Internet and he translated to Spanish. We made a certificate that swore her in as the President of the United States (in Spanish). The as she got drunker (I only had 2 beers all night because it was my party and someone had to stay sober) he got us together and we had a ceremony in Spanish of course.

We told her it was a wedding but in reality she is now the president of the US.

Her first clue should have we were married by a priest and neither one of us are catholic.
The second clue should be to ask “Why would a priest come to my party dressed as a priest?”
The third clue is "SHE KNOWS THIS GUY IS MY NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOR WHO OWNS A DRYWALL COMPANY" “The closest he is to being a priest is he is Catholic.

I believe we live in one of the few states where a dry waller does not have the authority to marry some one. But I could be wrong.

So anyway everyone at the party got the joke. But this week she goes out and actually found a sleaze bag ambulance chasing lawyer who told her she has a case. He called and I thought she was trying to set me up for a revenge joke. Only this lawyer turns out to be real. And according to him she wants a settlement of one my houses that I rent out to make this go away. “Not going to happen.”

There are a lot more details but this is to how this got blown out of proportion but for the most part I think she just wants money and wants to move on.

My question is “Do I need to waste a couple thousand dollars on an attorney or will this be laughed out of court, if it ever gets that far?” In any outcome I am finished with her.

Can anyone else see the joke? And I know our society has sunk you a low but could she really have a case? I am still laughing. I just wish we had a video camera. This would be great on You Tube