Do all guys whine about not getting girls ?


New member
Dec 30, 2013
I am a guy myself and have heard here in yahoo, how so many guys whine about girls not dating them and chasing good looking guys only X.. I mean i know to an extent its true but why whine about IT ??
I am not a good looking guy myself and have never in my life has any girl shown any interest me in school n college but i don't care~ If they are not interested then what can we do in this; its their life their choice let them live the way they want.

Is this whining only online ? As, i am yet to see any guy who whines outside about not getting any girl. Even my friends who are single have never complained about not getting picked by girls. Its life, it goes ON; i am single any will stay like this only for life but i could care less if girls want me or not.
which is exactly guys should be rather than name calling them, its really childish to even think something like that