Diet and Nutrition for A Lacto Vegetarian?


May 12, 2008
For the last 2 hours I've been researching and reading about lacto vegetarian(lactarian) diets.
This monday I'm planning to start a new diet. I prepared a diet plan but I'm not sure whether it is good or not. I'm 16. I am 5'7 inches tall and I weigh about 137 lbs. My calorie goal is 1554 (I calculated it from And I want to lose 1 pound a week.
So here's my diet plan:

1 apple
A milkshake: 1 dannon activia yoghurt (strawberry) + 1 glass of milk (tastes really good :))

Morning Snack:
1 apple
A sandwich: 2 slices of wheat bread + 1 cucumber (sliced) + 25 grams of cream cheese

2 servings of salad (6 oz about 4 cups) + 1 tablespoon of olive oil

Afternoon Snack:
2 slices of wheat bread + 1 tablespoon of nutella

Pasta salad: 3 ounces of cooked pasta + 1 tomato + 1 cucumber

The reason why I became a lacto vegetarian is for health reasons. But I care a lot about animal cruelty, too.
Add a serving or two (about a cup) of legumes to your diet - something like beans, tofu, nuts, falafel, hummus, and/or peanut butter. (Walnuts and flax seeds are also great sources of omega-3.) Without meat, you need to mix grains with legumes (in the same day; not necessarily the same meal) to get enough protein. Cut back on a serving of dairy and grain, if you're worried about total calories.

More variety would be a good idea too (i.e. an apple and an orange instead of two apples, oatmeal or quinoa instead of a sandwich, etc.)

Otherwise, your diet looks great to me.
This has WAY too many carbs and not enough protein or fiber to stabilize your blood sugar. You will always be hungry, find it hard to concentrate, and eventually find your hair thinning. Simple substitutions will fix it:
Make shake out of "greek style" yogurt without the sweeteners. Add frozen fruit if necessary - this will thicken it even more.
Have the cucumber with cottage cheese or feta for less fat and more protein
Have almonds, and if you must - dried fruit for afternoon snack - you don't need all that starch and sugar. Whole wheat bread is not that much better than regular bread.
For dinner skip the pasta. Have your tomato and cucumber with lentils to get some protein. Lentils don't take long at all to cook, especially if you put them through a food processor. Even garbanzo beans would be better than the pasta.
Good luck and keep asking questions!