Dear Agents of Miley Cyrus, please end this rumor!?


New member
Sep 7, 2008
Could someone who is legally bound to Miley Cyrus, Miley herself, her family, her agents... PLEASE PLEASE make an official report either on the air or on the web showing her fans that she is ALIVE AND WELL!!???

I have just about reached my limits with trying to convince my young relatives/children/friends children that this is just another one of those things that happens because of the internet from someone with TOO MUCH TIME ON THEIR HANDS!!

If we have caught wind of this, I am sure you have too and are most likely (and hopefully) reading all the postings out there.

To let this go on in hopes of raising her popularity would be just plain cruel to her faithful and loving fans, most of which do not have the capacity to beable to decipher fact from fiction. They have read it on the net so "it must be true"! They are young and you need to be sensitive to this. Oh my goodness, it is almost as bad as when we heard that ELVIS was dead, and that was TRUE!

I am begging you...this is just sickening and I hope that you do some investigation into this and bring the person who started it to justice some how!

And to all of you that have stated elation in the fact that maybe she is dead...SHAME ON YOU!!! To wish anyone dead or to celebrate that "fact" only because she/he is someone you dislike only because you don't like the music or the fame is disgusting!
Yeah that is weird and rude but even though i am not a fan of hers i hope she is ok. and i don't think that is ture so stop crying and get over it?