circumcision question? NO RANTS ABOUT IT BEING EVIL PLEASE?


New member
Apr 20, 2012
PLEASE NO RANTS ABOUT HOW ITS MUTILATING. thats not what im here for and it isnt necessary. we just need advice for our specific circumstances.

i posted this in mens health category an thought id post it here too

im expecting a boy and ive done a little research about it and me and my husband have talked it over and ultimately im leaving the decision up to him on whether we should circumcise our child or not.
Now, my husband was Un-cut up until he turned 20 (i met him when he was 24). he said when he had it, he had a tight foreskin and how trying to stretch it and retracting it was a pain. he also said how growing up, on occasion, it caused him some discomfort, like if it was a hot humid day and he had been sweating. and he also commented on how a lot of his female partners had the stigma that being un-cut was dirty or they just werent comfortable with it. and eventually he just felt like all the trouble wasnt worth it so he got a circumcision, and he prefers it.

so im wondering based off this which do you think would be the best route? i mean he is his fathers son, so if he has the same problems (tight foreskin and such) we'd like to spare him the long term discomfort, that my husband had to put up with, and the discomfort of an adult / adolescent circumcision, (if it comes to that).
Circumcision is a very safe and simple procedure that very rarely has any complications. These days they use anesthetic so it doesn't hurt the baby, and a lot of doctors put something called Surgicel gauze on the incision so that it doesn't require any special care and heals in about a week. It's a fairly minor thing, and not as scary as some people claim it is. If you have any reason to believe that his foreskin may cause problems for him later on, then I'd say go for it.