Christians and most religious folks. Does god exist because we have no


Dec 29, 2008
other explanation of how life? started?

Or does god exist because many scientists say life happening on its own is a very slim chance?

Or doe god exists because you have a book which was written by man and not god tells you he exists?

Or does god exist because the bible is the word of god and why would god lie?

If two people have a belief about god's existence, one believes he exists and one believes he doesn't exist. Does the one who believes god exists prove that god does exist?

Does a book which has no evidence and no proof that a supernatural world with demons, angels, and a creator who was supposed to have created all things out of nothing exists.

Should we jump to conclusions and tell ourselves god does exist?

Since we have no free choice to choose what to believe how are we expected to believe in the bible's god?
god exists regardless of what you think how life started

were not jumping to conclusions when we read the book of men who witnessed god and are writing what the eye witnessed

are you jumping to conclusions when you believe what the ancient egyptians wrote about what they experienced in their life yet have no way of proof that what they say actually occurred?

of course we have free choice to choose what to believe