Celebrities that are famous for being famous?


New member
Feb 24, 2009
Someone that is ''famous for being famous'' is a person that has celebrity status for no particular reason which annoys me. Name some '' celebrities'' that are famous for no reason and how you feel.

Paris Hilton: No need to explain. She's just famous for being the grandaughter of the founder of Hilton Hotel. Even her grandfather has stated that he's embarrased by her behavior! All Paris has done to be famous is make a crappy album, make crappy films, star in a crappy reality show, etc. All she's '' accomplished'' in life is make a sex tape and get all these charges for driving under the influence.

Nicky Hilton: She hasn't done anything memorable just like her sister, so no need to explain.

Kim Kardashian: All she's known for is her huge butt (that's an implant by the way) and that sex tape and her partying. So now she gets this pathetic reality tv show just because she suddenly gets famous because of a sex tape? It saddens me that people are now receiving their own reality shows because a sex tape was their achievement. And it looks so pathetic when I see her mom & sisters trying to be famous.

Dina Lohan: If I were Lindsay Lohan, I would cut off contact from Dina. What kind of mother brings cameramen for a magazine to visit her daughter in rehab? I believe that Dina is using her daughters to be famous. She exploits her daughters to launch her own career which is sad. I pity Ali Lohan (Lindsay's little sis) because she doesn't get to live the regular life of a teenager because of her mom

Lauren Conrad: Why does she have a show???
They're famous because people pay money to see and hear about what they're doing.

And just a bit more information for you - Kim Kardashian's mum is married to Bruce Jenner who's son Brody Jenner was dating Lauren Conrad on the hills. He also dated Kristin from Laguna Beach and Nicole Ritchie (married to Joel Madden) and the current Playboy Playmate of the Year :)

Paris Hilton: Famous for being rich and a sex tape

Kim Kardashian: Ex famous porn star... ( Keyword: STAR )

Dina Lohan: Famous for beind the mom of lindsay lohan

Lauren Conrad:Made famous on Laguna Beach, and now, she has The Hills because it follows her personal and professional life as she pursues a career in the fashion industry.