Carnival Cruise help!!!?


May 13, 2008
Okay so I know that this sounds scary... but in April I'm going on a cruise on the Carnival Truimph (yes, the same one that had all those problems...) anyways, that aside, the real problem: I am going in April (18th-22nd) or something like that on a Carnival cruise with my school cheer squad. I was just wondering if there would be anyone my age on there (15-16 yrs) because it's not during spring break so I don't think that many families will be on it, and I don't wanna be on a boat with a bunch of older people and no one to hang out with but my cheer friends. So do you think there will be any teens on my cruise? Thanks :)
There are always some kids, no matter when you go, and Carnival has more kids than other cruises, Disney excepted. Go on cruisecritic to the roll call for that ship and ask people if they are bringing their kids.