Can you recommend some scooters that look like sport bikes?


New member
Jul 29, 2010
Hi. I have recently fallen in love with the Gilera DNA, only to find that it has been discontinued and was not sold in the US. I am looking for scooters that look as close to the DNA as possible. I looked at the CPI GTR, but it looks slightly more like a traditional scooter. Are there any other scooters that look as much like a sport bike as the DNA? Thanks so much in advance!
I'm not exactly sure what the difference is between a scooter and an automatic motorcycle, but I'll take suggestions for either. I like the Aprilia Mana, but it seems to be so large (I'm 5'2", 110 lbs.).
don't know how fast you want it to go, but the Kymco Super 8 has them sport bike looks

and their Yager GT

and the Downtown 300i

nice scoots, one and all. but maybe too "scooter like" for you? the ones you posted give me an idea of what you're looking for, but yeah, it's tough to find many which resemble those
Take a look at Genuine Scooter Company's Blur. It doesn't look quite as motorcycley as the DNA, but it's pretty sporty. Genuine sells really high-quality Taiwan-built bikes.