Can someone w/ bipolar disorder tell me their symptoms?


New member
Jul 6, 2008
I want to see what others feel from their own experience. Ive been feeling symptoms since I was a teenager (25 now) and want to know what a real person feels (not the mania-normal-depressed charts I see in online articles.)

Ive been suffering from "cycles" that I go through since I was a teenager. It will be 3-4 months of a "rut" where I dont feel myself, get anxiety about everything (clothing, body, appearance, experiences), my confidence is at complete 0, severe insomnia & vivid dreams, shop for rediculous things that I think I need (which I usually return later) awakenings and all over body fatigue weakness soreness etc.

When I am good I feel clear headed, productive, I work better, clean out everything, my personality comes back, and cannot remember what had me in such a depression the past 3 months.

I can feel when Im getting bad, and I can feel when I am coming out of it.

I want to know if this is similiar to bipolar, or if its just standard regular depression.
ok go here for the symptoms of bipolar disorder

or for Depression Symptoms
ok go here for the symptoms of bipolar disorder

or for Depression Symptoms