Can someone please please please edit my...


New member
Jul 15, 2008
...NARRATIVE?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? It is about a girl who is being bullied and her parents dont support her so she has to work it out on her own and in the end her parents feel bad and take her to an amusment park.

“That’s life,” said Mom as she turned away and continued ironing. That’s it? After I just spilled my guts about my wost day in history. No hugs, no chocolate offers. If that’s life, then my life stinks. I was expecting her to be more understanding. I grunted loudly , ran up to my room and slammed the door. Hoping that my Mum realised that I’m upset. I threw my bag on my floor carelessly, jumped into the shower and let all of the thoughts of my most embarrassing day out of my head.

Later that night, as I was lying in bed, I kept getting flash backs of what had happened earlier today. Kids teasing me by calling me names and hitting me. I don’t even know why they do it because I never did anything to them. I wondered what tomorrow will bring me. As a few tears rolled down my cheek, I fell asleep.

My eyes were puffy and red from crying last night.
“Kelly, wake up! It is past 7 o’clock already!” My mother yelled out from downstairs.
“coming” I said groaning.

When I came downstairs, my mother acted like nothing happened yesterday. Maybe she was trying to teach me a lesson but I can never tell if someone is being sarcastic or not. I know that my mother loves me. She is the one who would sacrifice for me, who can spent whole night looking to us when we ill, who pray for you, I respect her but I really wish she could understand me more.
I ate my breakfast quickly before heading to school.

As I got home from another horrible day at school, I slammed my door shut and burst into tears Today I got teased about every little thing, just being different in general. Having braces wearing glasses being ugly being too smart or geeky, being a goody goody/teachers pet, being awkward, being too aloof and I always was very quiet. I always stayed to myself and I did sort of grow to find comfort in being a loner. It forced me to stand on my own.

I was the only one home because my mother is working a night shift as well. I really cant stand this much longer. I thought to myself.

The next day was Saturday and my mother told me to go into the car because we were going somewhere ‘special’ she told me
I kept begging and begging her to tell me but she wouldn’t
“I’m taking you to an amusement park!”
“What? An amusement park?” I scream
My mother nodded.
“Why?” I asked confused
“The way you have been acting lately was starting to worry me. I thought this would cheer you up a bit.”
“Thank you so much!”
I was so happy and couldn’t believe this was happening.

When we arrived, the atmosphere felt happy and cheerful. With the music playing, the sound of children’s laughter and the bright colourful lights on the rides.
Suddenly I feel someone grab me from behind.
It is a group of my friends. We all play on the rides and it’s the best day of my life.

By the way: I cant change what happens in the story and sorry, i got lazy at the end! :(