Can someone please help me with my religion homework?


New member
Aug 8, 2008
My homework is basically to write 2 paragraphs about what Jesus did in a chapter of one of the Gospels.
But the thing is, I can't bring myself to read a chapter no matter how much I try.
If you can help me with just a few sentences, you will be a great help.
Thank you in advance.
I have religion class tomorrow..
Study Proverbs 8 my son and know that me and my father are one.
Hears a blessing and a our father prayed just for you.Practice the holy rosary for world peace and for your own inner and spiritual renewal.

Practice the heaven sent devotions in the Pieta Prayer book and greater will be your reward in heaven.

We love you all.
No, I won't help you with that. Good grief, it takes maybe 5-10 minutes to read a chapter. How difficult can this be?
Okay, two problems:

1) this is not a homework forum
2) it's Friday dude, wait til Sunday to do homework

Jesus isn't real; all logic points to this. Religion is a scam. There's your two sentences.
Shut off the computer, put down the chips, take you ADHD meds, and sit you butt down and read the way normal people have done for generations.