Can I install my own aftermarket brake discs and pads on Jag?


jeffrey e

Ok, I've put this job off as long as I can and now there is some vibrating going on when my wife brakes with this 2002 Jag.X type 2.5 liter. I HAVE the parts! I am going to do this job because I can't afford what these brake shops want for parts and labor(I bought GREAT discs and pads for this car on sale,on line and "I" am going to put these on.!) I have done earlier model discs and pads, never a car this late. I told my wife that maybe I should buy a service manual to do this job(another 60 bucks)Please...only answer this if you work in a brake shop or you are certified?And PLEASE,tell me I can get away with doing this with my own tools without a service manual.....Please?
we have already had the estimate from shops(900.00 bucks) My parts were 300.00 bucks. I already know the discs and pads need replaced.