Any websites that have vegetarian recipes for one person?


New member
Jul 13, 2010
I don't know how this should affect anything, but I'm 14 years old. I recently watched the documentary film 'Food, Inc.' and it made me want to never ever eat at a fast food restaurant again, and to never ever eat junk food like potato chips again. I was already thinking of becoming a vegetarian (not a true vegetarian, as I still would want to eat eggs) before I saw the movie, and now I really want to follow through with it. But my family loves to eat meat, and we have at least 3 dinners a week that include meat in them. I love to cook, so I was thinking that I could make my own vegetarian dishes, instead of eating what the rest of my family is. So what I want to know is, does anybody know of any websites or recipes for vegetarian dishes for one? (emphasis on the 'one', I don't want to have a family-sized meal, just one portion for a single person) Thanks!