Anti-Histamines causing a dramatic drop in my sex drive?


Jul 18, 2008
Hi, I'm a 25 year old male and I started taking Anti-Histamines (both Claritin and Benadryl at the same time) and i've been taking both since the April 1st, so its been a month now that I've been taking them. I take both of them daily because my Spring allergies are really and I mean really bad during April and May and I always consume these drugs every year during both months. I live in New York City and here we have all 4 seasons. Anyway, to make the long story short, I have a very high sex drive and I'm almost always turned on (I don't wanna use another word because it might be inappropriate on here) and I'm always willing to have sex about 99% of the time. However, ever since I started taking those drugs about a month a go, my sex drive has taken a nose dive and my sex drive is very low to non-existent. Also, I've been having problems maintaining an erection and there have times where it takes me over an hour to ejaculate and times when I can't ejaculate at all. I normally ejaculate in only about 5 minutes when my sex drive is normal or high. This happens every year in the Spring when I take these drugs. But this year (2013) it has been worrying me more because I'm currently in a relationship and its causing problems with me and my girlfriend. She thinks that my low sex drive is because I'm getting off with other women and cheating on her and I explained to her like a hundred times already that I believe its those medications but she doesn't believe me. She's 22 and I'm 25. We haven't had sex in over a week now because I'm just not interested at all in sex right now. Is these the side effects of those drugs? Is there anything else I can do to control my allergy symptoms without having to take drugs that drop my sex drive?? They're very effective in controlling my allergies but then at the same they're messing me up in another way Please help, this is causing me a lot of issues with my GF. What should I do?