Andrei Arshavin conducts greatest Q&A ever, part XXIII


Jun 17, 2007

The readers of Andrei/ey Arshavin's official website keep asking him questions and he keeps answering them, so we must keep documenting the whole bizarre, wonderful, hilarious and creepy affair. Now let's get back to work.

1. From ArtemiyWolf
Hi, Andrey! In the first few lines, let me wish you luck and success in football, victories and progress, prosperity and love in your family, and everything that you wish for yourself. I have several questions:
1. What's going on in Arsenal, what's the club's objective? I think that with these changes in the lineup and focus on the young inexperienced players (which is happening every year) it's unlikely to win trophies even considering Wegner's genius. I do not understand Arsenal from the point of view of its main goal. It's a pity that it's probably quite difficult for you to be in shape and a good mood in such circumstances.
2. A question regarding the national team - do you think there is hope and our team will be able to show good performance at Euro or it only depends on the administrative resources of Russia. Let me explain, there are questions on the football forums whether there is a real fight between the teams in the SOGAZ Championship. And if the worst case situation is really true, and not only the teams from the bottom of the standings are mixed in this, but also the teams from the top eight are solving their issues, then the picture is depressing, not only because people lose interest in the championship and it's turning into a farce, but mostly because of the fact that there is absolutely no hope of "nonrandom" success in the European competitions, as well as a decent (again, "nonrandom") performance of our national team - the main players play in the National Championship, and our very few "legionnaires" have very little playing practice.

What's happening? We are trying to improve a difficult situation we got ourselves into. 7 points is not enough. Now we must try to win every game. Then, after a few rounds, the situation might change dramatically. Something positive? There are other tournaments where our club plays successfully so far.
2. We want to play at Euro 2012. And now it's in our hands. In addition, both the players and the coaching staff believe that this summer we will get in the
European Championship as the participants rather than spectators. You know, there are certain tournaments every professional footballer dreams to take part in. The European Championship is one of these.... The main match of the qualifying stage is ahead. The Russian team understands it just like the fans.

It's rarely difficult for Andrei to be in a good mood, ArtemiyWolf. Prime example: He's holding up a Carling Cup win over Shrewsbury Town and Arsenal eking past Udinese to reach the Champions League group stage as the positives of the season so far. Also, I think that set a record for longest question yet.

4. From Anjirus
Salaam, Andrey, why Wenger does not use you as a central halfback or attacking midfielder. Ask him to put you in the center at least once. You will do great, I'm sure. In the match against Man Utd you moved to the center you played very well!

This is a question to the coach.

And it seems like Andrey would like to hear the answer, too.

5. From ZideOK
Hello, Andrey. The question: is it worth it to go to London to earn money? And to stay there. Is it easy to get used to another mentality, another level of life? Is it better there than in Russia? It has always been a dream of mine to live like people in Europe.
: Depends on what you think yourself. I know people who are dreaming of having a decent job in England and settling down here. It all depends on the mentality of a person, to each his own. For me it would be ideal to live in St. Petersburg in the future, and at times visit London.

You might think he's just showing a bit of homesickness here, but there are probably quite a few Arsenal players who have never been to St. Petersburg yet would say the same thing right about now.

6. From 892805751628928057516289280575162
Andrey, I am from Dagestan I like the way you play and my friends gave me a new name — Arshavin. Can we get in touch, if you call me it will be really great, my number - 8928 057 ****

You don't mind if I don't ? :) Ask me questions; I'll try to answer you here.

Shut. Down. Sorry, 892805751628928057516289280575162. But that'll teach you to not be so loose with the numbers.

8. From ZotovYoura
Tell me Andrey, what's the difference between life in London and Saint-Petersburg? Do you feel any social difference or discomfort? THANK YOU!

Things are much calmer in London. Everything is known in advance, planned out. In St. Petersburg the life is different - more meetings, more travelling around the city.

Keep in mind the fact that Andrey is saying this AFTER the London riots. They must have some crazy meetings in St. Petersburg.

9. From 123456789
Hello, Andrey. My name is Inna. My girlfriends and I are your big fans! We root for Arsenal! I would like to ask you a question: why did you move deliberately to Arsenal . Thank you very much for your answer! Come to our city, there are a lot of your fans here!

Arsenal is a club with great traditions. I am sure that many players dreamed and dream of playing for it.

Burn! "Why did you move deliberately to Arsenal"? That's Inna's sort of subtle way of saying "who would ever want to go to Arsenal?" Harsh. Yet, Andrey's answer makes it sound like he isn't one of those players who dreamed of playing for Arsenal. And that he has yet to meet one who did/does.

10. From DeeL1ne
Hello Andrey, how do you manage to answer thousands of questions? Good luck in October with the national team ... Play like you played against Macedonia and Ireland ... I was happy that after enormous criticism you could play for the national team on your real level ...

I do not answer thousands of questions. Usually about ten or so. When I have some free time, then I answer. Generally, when we are summoned to the national side or on quarantine before the games.

Do not overestimate the number of questions Andrei answers, DeeL1ne! If you do, he will ignore any and all well wishes that follow your gross overestimation!

11. From Arshamania
Dear Andrey! If it's not a secret what did Julia give you for your last birthday? )))
It's a secret.

Nice try.

13. From shurik87
How can I be sure that it's you and not a moderator?

Just believe in it. No other way.

Like all higher powers, you must have faith in the Arshavin. He will not appear to you. Nor will he call if you give him your phone number.

16. From VeronikaS
Hello, Andrey! I have long been trying to reach you ;) I still continue to believe) My name is Veronica from Dzerzhinsk. Nizhny Novgorod region.
My husband has started a glossy fashion magazine about shopping, sports and recreation. It's distributed free of charge. I would be very happy if you could give me a small interview, just a few questions. I ask you as a fan, for me and my city it would be a dream. I apologize in advance if you already answered some of the questions. I wrote on your e-mail but there was no answer, so now I'm trying again with another portion of questions.
Our website is we have an electronic version.
so if you answer you can make sure that your interview is published.

1. How do you assess your strengths and the strengths of the Russian national team ahead of the qualifying round of the Euro 2012?
2. Who do you have the best relationship with in Arsenal?
3.Andrey, I've heard when you were a child your coach did not believe in
you and no matter how hard you tried he thought about you as a guy who would never achieve anything. A few words about this. How did you deal with this?
4. They say that English football is the most brutal. Do you agree?
5. What is your regular training schedule? How long does training last and what else do you do to be in shape?
6. A bit about fashion. Your children's clothing line is extremely popular, have you ever thought about creating sportswear for professional athletes?
7. And what do you prefer to wear in everyday life?
8. They say that the footballers do not like business style due to their habits and love for their profession? And what do you think about wearing suits?
Andrey, thank you very much for taking your time and answering the questions. Paradise Magazine and its readers wish you great matches and unique goals!

1. Each game is different. My personal performance, as well as the games of the national team.
2. I'm on good terms with all teammates. Earlier, when Cesc and Samir
played for Arsenal, we were on friendly terms, and also with Bendtner.
3. I guess I was talking about the coach of the national team 1981, who did not believe in me and did not invite me to the team. What did I do? I tried to prove on the pitch that Andrey Arshavin is a good player.
4. English football is perhaps the toughest. Many confrontations, fights, no run-off-the-mill matches.
5. Everyday, with the breaks for matches and rest.
6. No. There are professionals in this field.
7. Whatever Julia buys me -jeans, light sweaters.
8. If a suit fits me well and a tie if chosen correctly, I like it.

Wow, Veronica really went for it here.

Regarding answer 2: Hahahaha Bendtner :(

Answer 3: Wait, the coach in 1981 didn't believe in him? Andrey was born in 1981. What coach believes in a newborn? Still, that's impressive determination to prove yourself on the pitch at eight weeks old.

Answer 6: We knew about Andrey designing women's clothes, but he's done a children's line too?! And he'll do women's and children's clothes, but he's leaving sportswear to the pros? This man is delightfully baffling.

19. From Elmirochka
Hi, Haven't written to you for a while.
Andrey, what do you think about Britney Spears? I have been her fan for a long time now.

I know her name. But I'm not like you :)

Take that, Britney Spears!

20. From Elmirochka
Andrey, have you ever done figure skating or hockey?


Now that's a shame. I would pay good money to see Andrei figure skate while wearing one of his own designs.

21. From Alibert123
Hi Andrey, it's not a question as it is, I just want your advice: when you were a teenager, did you have to make a choice between football or studying? ((It's just that I entered a college and now I don't have enough time for training? Thanks in advance! And one more - I'm from Kazakhstan)))) Is there a chance for a footballer from Kazakhstan to get to Europe?

I didn't have to make this choice. I understood that education was important in life. If you love football, I think you'll be able to find time and won't neglect your studies ending up with poor results. From Kazakhstan? Why not?

Why not? Did you not see Borat, Andrey?

23. From Christia
Hi, I'm Christina, don't pay any attention to what press says about you, you are a great player and my opinion will not change, and I'm sure that the national team will get to the Euro 2012 and will be fighting for the top spots. I've got a question: what kind of girls do the footballers like? Hope you'll answer, good luck to you and your family!

Different. Everyone has his own taste. Actually, football players like the same girls as the people of other professions. Priorities? Smart and beautiful.


Photo: Reuters