Am I losing any good nutrition?


New member
Sep 15, 2010
I never eat beef, or pork. I only eat chicken and fish. I don't eat any sweets except for chocolate and I only drink water, apple and orange juice or 1% milk. I never eat fried stuff. I also don't munch on potato chips or salty stuff and i don't add stuff to my food except for light condiments but no mayo and very little mustard. I eat a lot of veggies and snack on fruit and water constantly.I add olive oil to my food (1 of the only things I use in my foods), I think I get my fish oils (from my foods and pills :]) I also get my vitamins through pills too. I snack on many kinds of nuts, no salt, raw. Any good nutrition I might be missing?
If you want good nutrition, don't get your vitamins (or any other nutrients for that matter) from pills. Get them from their natural food source. Also, the body does not need much of each vitamin to fulfill your RDA values (especially the fat soluble vitamins, which can stay in your body for a couple days since they are fat soluble). You say that you eat fruit & veggies, so I'm wondering why you even bother taking pills at all............

Forget about the beef & pork. Lean meats including fish & turkey is the best meat to consume and its best to consume some meat (its a lot easier to get your proteins & amino acids that way).

Don't forget whole grain foods. Think about some granola or oatmeal.

Eat some eggs once in a while. Hard-boiled eggs can make for a nice snack.
Opinion -
since you know 'exactly' what your body needs because of your stress level
? ? such restrictions ! ! and then you buy supplements $$ (that you defecate out anyway unneeded )
Missing NO - - but it doesn't sound good or enjoyable to me

Your body will absorb only what IT needs - excess May be turned into fat
?- I never - I only - I don't - boring
life is too short - - enjoy your food - indulge
Hm.. you might be missing some dairy- I'm not sure how much milk you're drinking. And what about carbohydrates? Brown rice is quite healthy.. But otherwise that sounds fine.

If you're happy with what you're eating now- good for you. But I would get bored and experiment with spices/herbs/different recipes just to keep things interesting.