alternatives to ASYLUM nutrition plan?


New member
Feb 4, 2013
Im starting INSANITY THE ASYLUM next week, all the gear and the workout dvds are already here so i took a look at the nutrition plan aaaand i cant do that. Im a teen, i go to school i have a busy weekdays schedule so i dont have enought time to cook all those fancy meals, so is there an alternative to it? im planning on doing my own nutritional plan based on easy things i can find in my house and taking the nutritional plan as my guide (using the substitution page at the end of the nutrition guide) its not gonna follow the nutritional plan 100% but its the best i can do, also im changing the hours of the meals becuase i cant eat at certain hours im supposed to, is this ok? do you have any experience with this? are there any alternatives? if you know anything about this please tell me, thanks
also im a dude with zero cooking experience so yeah