Afraid to ride my own horse but confident on lesson horse. What's my problem?


New member
Jun 3, 2008
I have a 25 year old Arabian mare that I keep at a friend's house (on approx. 200 acres). I've had my mare for about 13 years. The first couple or 3 years I had her I rode religiously, every day. Then I moved away and would only ride her maybe once every 3 months. I recently moved here to be close to me and I go out to see her 3 days a week. Well, since it's been a long time since I've had formal lessons I decided to start back about 2 months ago. I've been riding the lesson horse, a 13 year old Quarab gelding once a week. I love riding him and when I'm riding him I feel so confident and have already met some of my goals I've strived for (being able to feel comfortable again in an english saddle and to comfortable canter in an english saddle).

But for some reason I'm so afraid to ride my mare. When she starts to trot I just tense up. I ride her in an open field (because I don't really have a choice) and I ride Buck (the lesson horse) in an indoor arena.
Buck's gaits are also much smoother than my mare's, Jasmiin.

I guess I feel bad because I really do love my mare, she's my best horse friend. :) But I really enjoy riding Buck.

I feel so guilty. What's wrong? Anyone else experienced this?