
  1. D

    Please Help Zoloft withdrawl question?

    I have been on zoloft for 10 years since I was 13 years old. I went from 100 mg down to 75 mg about 3 weeks ok. For the first 2 weeks I felt great. Just a couple of days ago I started feeling strange sensations in my head, louder ringing in the ears, and I felt disconnected from everthing around...
  2. M

    help coming off zoloft?

    i have been taking zoloft for 2 weeks now, and i was having really bad side effects so i stopped taking it. i was talking to someone and they told me that i needed to keep taking it until i talk to my dr (i go there monday) i dont know what i should do because the side effects i was having...
  3. A

    Can Zoloft cause diarrhea?

    I've been on Zoloft now for about month and half. I take 50mg a day. Seems like I have diarrhea 3-6 times daily. Zoloft has really made a difference in a good way. I feel much better less stressed out. Thanks for any help.
  4. S

    Is Zoloft safe and effective?

    Zoloft!! please anyone on this medication for anxiety ocd panic disorder...i feel like im at the end of my struggle with this and went to the doc today...he gave me zoloft...because im scared of everything ...im scared to take it...my anxiety feels like im going insane before my period is...
  5. M

    Is it okay to skip a does of Zoloft so i can drink alcohol?

    I just started taking zoloft last week. Im on 50mg. Im in college so i drink, i was planing on not drinking on the weekends for awhile so i could get the zoloft into my system. but its my friends birthday tomorrow and we were all going to go out and drink. Is it better to skip a dose or just...
  6. M

    question about stopping zoloft?

    I have been on zoloft for about 3 1/2 years. I am currently on 150mg. iam tired all of the time, I basically feel like crap all of the time. I am on it for anxiety/panic attacks. I have pretty much learned how to deal with the panic attack and almost never get them anymore. I don;t want to be on...
  7. B

    Has Zoloft helped any naturally anxious people?

    I've been anxious my entire life...just a complete worry wart...and it's only gotten worse with age (I'm 19). I was finally prescribed Zoloft, but before I take it, I wanna see if it has helped others. Thanks. <3
  8. H

    Does Zoloft contain MAOI?

    I was about to take a Mucinex and it said not to take if you take drugs with MAOI. I also take concerta.
  9. M

    Screw it, im cutting off zoloft?

    Only been 9 days, but I have so many side effects and have seen actual regression in my anxiety, so screw it. Hopefully I can get a script of clonazepam or something to help, although I only did 25 mg 5 days and 50 mg 4 days, so who knows. Any advice from someone whos quit? How long will it...
  10. Y

    Missed 1-week of Zoloft dosages. Should I resume taking now?

    I was on vacation and forgot m Zoloft medications (100mg daily). Now that I am back, I have missed approximately 6-7 days worth of dosages. I know if you miss just 1 day, you can just resume taking the medication the next day, but what about 6-7 days? Should I just resume now or call my doctor...