
  1. A

    Zinc Actually Can Improve Your Immune System (And For More Than Just Colds)

    I'm kind of obsessive about immune boosters, especially at this time of year. Some people say they're just placebos, but regardless, I like to give my body some extra defenses when fighting off, colds, flu and the norovirus. Zinc is one of my faves (shoutout to Zicam!!) and today, there's new...
  2. D

    Zinc tire weight coming off?

    I had my 2008 Nissan Titan in for a tire rotation & balance. When leaving the shop, the drivers side front tire weight came off at 35 mph. I originally thought I ran over something but when I took off again, #2 weight came off and made a horrible noise. What would be the cause of this?
  3. L

    Question on zinc copper and iron with regard to nutrition?

    How much supplemental zinc can be taken before supplemental copper is required? At over 150 mg of supplemental zinc per day is it even possible to absorb supplemental copper? In other words does there come a point above which zinc supplementation negates the usefulness of copper supplementation...
  4. L

    Question on zinc copper and iron with regard to nutrition?

    How much supplemental zinc can be taken before supplemental copper is required? At over 150 mg of supplemental zinc per day is it even possible to absorb supplemental copper? In other words does there come a point above which zinc supplementation negates the usefulness of copper supplementation...
  5. J

    zinc 50 mg questionn?

    im a 14 year old girl and have bad acne. i heard it helps reduce acne so my mom got it for me. is it bad for someone my age to take 50 mg of it?
  6. H

    Does zinc cause hair loss?

    I've just started taking 15mg of zinc gluconanate a day to keep my skin under control and my skin is looking better, but this morning i woke up with hair all over my pillow which has never happened before. Should i decrease my dosage? What is a safe amount to take?
  7. R

    Fish Oil or Zinc for acne?

    Which one works better for acne?
  8. C

    what does zinc responsive dermatitis look like?

    my siberian husky has big bald patches on his sides and i do not what it is he is not itchy
  9. A

    What is effect of nutrition especially zinc nutrient on Zinc-finger proteins?

    Zinc-finger proteins define the most common transcription factor family in organisms ranging from yeast to humans. My question about effect of nutrition, especially different level and source (organic or inorganic) of zinc in diet on Zinc-finger action in animal and effect of zinc-finger...
  10. B

    how do i sync music from my laptop to my motorola zinc?

    this is an cellphone