
  1. C

    Creating iPad/iPod/iPhone Apps as a Beginner- Flash CS5 or Xcode?

    Well I have been wanting to learn to make apps for ipads and iphones, more specifically making games. I am very uninformed on how to make games in general, learning how to code is going to be a pain. Although I have been trying to get used to using Xcode, and interface builder. I've been...
  2. H

    Which version of xcode runs on snow leopard 10.6.2?

    will the xcode be all that I'll be needing for iPhone app development?
  3. J

    iOS SDK xcode IB - How to load a new view upon orientation change?

    So I am developing this view based app for the iPhone in xcode and I have an app that I want to start in landscape mode (haven't quite worked out how to do that, because in the plist file the "initial device orientation" isn't an option as I am assuming it used to be, from what people have said...
  4. K

    Can i download Xcode 3.2.5 and iOS SDK 4.2 for windows?

    i want to make apps for the iphone if its possible can i get a link for it?
  5. J

    iphone OS xcode application question?

    I want to build a tab bar application where for certain pages there will be image views, table views, all with scrollable views and to possibly lead to new pages, to be implemented. Where should i start and does anyone know of good source code links for what i'm trying to achieve.
  6. 1

    where do i learn all the programing needed to make iphone apps via xcode and other...

    ...apps....? i know NOTHING about programing. where do i start? what books do i need to buy? like what should they be about? programming? thats too general, give me something for makign iphone apps. start from scratch. i know nothing about programming. (im a freshman in college so not too much...
  7. W

    Does the Snow Leopard upgrade DVD have the latest version of xCode or does it...

    ...not have it at all? I have Leopard with the option to install xCode.. but then the newer version of xCode is quite huge... I was wondering if I get the upgrade to Snow Leopard DVD, will it have the latest version?
  8. N

    If I'm not an iOS Developer, would I still be able to write iPhone apps in XCode

    and distribute them? Without becoming an iOS Developer, would I be able to write an application for iPhone or iPod Touch or iPad in xCode, on my MacBook, and be able to distribute it? NOT meaning through the app store, but I mean would I be able to put it on a server somewhere and give out a...
  9. B

    Whats the best free and easy way to learn how to write iPhone Apps with xCode?

    Nope The SDK is free. It only costs to test on hardware or put in App Store. Testing on the simulator is free.
  10. M

    Help with iPhone programming in Xcode? iPhone 4?

    i'm trying to make an iPhone 4 App that uses the LED flash as a flash light. problem is, i can't figure out how to do that. i know its possible because i have an app on mine that does that. how do i connect a button to the flash in Xcode? pleaase help! i've been trying to figure out how to do...
  11. M

    Help With Xcode for iPhone? Asked This 3 Times Already?

    i'm trying to make an iPhone 4 App that uses the LED flash as a flash light. problem is, i can't figure out how to do that. i know its possible because i have an app on mine that does that. how do i connect a button to the flash in Xcode? pleaase help! i've been trying to figure out how to do...
  12. M

    Is the Xcode software shipped by Apple on OS X DVD enough for iPhone development?

    Is the Xcode, software shipped in OS X DVD by Apple, (when you buy a laptop or Mac from them) enough for development of iPhone? Or you need to download iPhone SDK separately?
  13. T

    How can sync the app you made in Xcode to your iPhone/iPod touch?

    So I'm done creating/developing my application in Xcode... Now, how can I put the app I made on my iPod touch? I want to actually try the app I made on the device, not just in the iPhone simulator! thanks.
  14. S

    Can you learn the Xcode (for making iPhone apps) if you don't even know anything...

    ...about it? I'm thinking about making an app but I wonder if you have to know anything about Xcode or you can learn it from the iPhone SDK.
  15. J

    How can I learn how to program iPhone apps using Xcode?

    I am a complete beginner. I have no background in programming iPhone Apps. What is the best way to begin? Thanks