
  1. J

    Christ worshipers. So many people are not brought up in the christian religion...?

    Do you think they will go to hell since its obvious they would not accept your religion as they have been brought up otherwise? Some people haven't even heard of Christ.
  2. D

    Budda worshipers or other idol worshipers what has your statue done for you lately?

    My Heavenly Father has healed my daughter of three aneurysms they ruptured and because my family prayed ( wasn't a christian at the time) she walked out of the hospital vanderbilt hospital in Nashville Tenn. 72 hrs. later.she has also been healed of seizures. God my father also healed my...
  3. D

    Budda worshipers or other idol worshipers what has your statue done for you lately?

    My Heavenly Father has healed my daughter of three aneurysms they ruptured and because my family prayed ( wasn't a christian at the time) she walked out of the hospital vanderbilt hospital in Nashville Tenn. 72 hrs. later.she has also been healed of seizures. God my father also healed my...
  4. D

    Budda worshipers or other idol worshipers what has your statue done for you lately?

    My Heavenly Father has healed my daughter of three aneurysms they ruptured and because my family prayed ( wasn't a christian at the time) she walked out of the hospital vanderbilt hospital in Nashville Tenn. 72 hrs. later.she has also been healed of seizures. God my father also healed my...
  5. D

    Budda worshipers or other idol worshipers what has your statue done for you lately?

    My Heavenly Father has healed my daughter of three aneurysms they ruptured and because my family prayed ( wasn't a christian at the time) she walked out of the hospital vanderbilt hospital in Nashville Tenn. 72 hrs. later.she has also been healed of seizures. God my father also healed my...
  6. D

    Budda worshipers or other idol worshipers what has your statue done for you lately?

    My Heavenly Father has healed my daughter of three aneurysms they ruptured and because my family prayed ( wasn't a christian at the time) she walked out of the hospital vanderbilt hospital in Nashville Tenn. 72 hrs. later.she has also been healed of seizures. God my father also healed my...
  7. D

    Budda worshipers or other idol worshipers what has your statue done for you lately?

    My Heavenly Father has healed my daughter of three aneurysms they ruptured and because my family prayed ( wasn't a christian at the time) she walked out of the hospital vanderbilt hospital in Nashville Tenn. 72 hrs. later.she has also been healed of seizures. God my father also healed my...
  8. D

    Budda worshipers or other idol worshipers what has your statue done for you lately?

    My Heavenly Father has healed my daughter of three aneurysms they ruptured and because my family prayed ( wasn't a christian at the time) she walked out of the hospital vanderbilt hospital in Nashville Tenn. 72 hrs. later.she has also been healed of seizures. God my father also healed my...
  9. D

    Christ Worshipers ! We Want An Answer?

    O Christ-worshippers! We want an answer to our question [from your wise ones], If the Lord was murdered by some people’s act, what kind of god is this? We wonder! Was He pleased by what they did to Him? If yes, blessed be they, they achieved His pleasure, But if He was discontented, this means...
  10. D

    Budda worshipers or other idol worshipers what has your statue done for you lately?

    My Heavenly Father has healed my daughter of three aneurysms they ruptured and because my family prayed ( wasn't a christian at the time) she walked out of the hospital vanderbilt hospital in Nashville Tenn. 72 hrs. later.she has also been healed of seizures. God my father also healed my...
  11. D

    Budda worshipers or other idol worshipers what has your statue done for you lately?

    My Heavenly Father has healed my daughter of three aneurysms they ruptured and because my family prayed ( wasn't a christian at the time) she walked out of the hospital vanderbilt hospital in Nashville Tenn. 72 hrs. later.she has also been healed of seizures. God my father also healed my...
  12. D

    Budda worshipers or other idol worshipers what has your statue done for you lately?

    My Heavenly Father has healed my daughter of three aneurysms they ruptured and because my family prayed ( wasn't a christian at the time) she walked out of the hospital vanderbilt hospital in Nashville Tenn. 72 hrs. later.she has also been healed of seizures. God my father also healed my...
  13. D

    Budda worshipers or other idol worshipers what has your statue done for you lately?

    My Heavenly Father has healed my daughter of three aneurysms they ruptured and because my family prayed ( wasn't a christian at the time) she walked out of the hospital vanderbilt hospital in Nashville Tenn. 72 hrs. later.she has also been healed of seizures. God my father also healed my...
  14. D

    Budda worshipers or other idol worshipers what has your statue done for you lately?

    My Heavenly Father has healed my daughter of three aneurysms they ruptured and because my family prayed ( wasn't a christian at the time) she walked out of the hospital vanderbilt hospital in Nashville Tenn. 72 hrs. later.she has also been healed of seizures. God my father also healed my...
  15. D

    Budda worshipers or other idol worshipers what has your statue done for you lately?

    My Heavenly Father has healed my daughter of three aneurysms they ruptured and because my family prayed ( wasn't a christian at the time) she walked out of the hospital vanderbilt hospital in Nashville Tenn. 72 hrs. later.she has also been healed of seizures. God my father also healed my...
  16. D

    Spiritually speaking: How many of you are sun worshipers?

    It's always there, we can see it, it is very reliable, gives us what we need to survive, and there are no wars fought over it, and it never says we are unworthy. I think that could be the one thing that everyone on Earth could worship. What do you think?