
  1. G

    Study of oceans’ past raises worries about their future

    The ocean the Titanic sailed through just over 100 years ago was very different from the one we swim in today. Global warming is increasing ocean temperatures and harming marine food webs. Nitrogen run-off from fertilizers is causing coastal dead zones. A McGill-led international research team...
  2. R

    Cruise troubles and worries?

    May 17- June 2 my family (mom dad brother-15 sister-17 me-13) is going on a cruise. I have never been on one and I have seen the titanic alot. It is a CARNIVAL (lot of problems accrued on that cruise line) and I dont want to be worrying on my 1 week cruise. Any advice, any ideas to do on the...
  3. M

    Cast your cast-iron worries aside

    [No message]
  4. M

    Google checkout payout worries for Android developer?

    I have been developing for android market for anout a month and a few daya. Today is supposed to be my first real payout. I received two dollars in a payout last month for like one day of the month. When can I expect to see the payout. It should be about a thousand dollars.
  5. F

    Volkswagen transmission worries?

    I have a 2005 Volkswagen GLI w/80,000 miles on it and it seems like the transmission is slipping. Specifically there is hesitation when I accelerate and the RPMs rev but the gear seems not to engage, then it does lurch a bit. This happens it what would be 2nd or 3rd gear (it's automatic). I've...
  6. A

    my gf doesnt like PDA. AT ALLL. it kinda worries me.?

    im in college and me and my gf just started going out. she doesnt like PDA. i dont mind because i dont like too much PDA also. We are kinda in a secret relationship. only certain people know that we are dating. but for some reason i always worry that she is losing feelings for me. she told me...
  7. A

    my gf doesnt like PDA. AT ALLL. it kinda worries me.?

    im in college and me and my gf just started going out. she doesnt like PDA. i dont mind because i dont like too much PDA also. We are kinda in a secret relationship. only certain people know that we are dating. but for some reason i always worry that she is losing feelings for me. she told me...
  8. R

    any worries about leaving samsung led tv in trunk for the summer?

    it's wrapped in a blanket, a sheet, and has many layers on top of it... i have no where to put it lol...i live in arkansas btw so it can get pretty hot here..
  9. E

    One of my cats peed on the bed once, should I be worried? (Cat introduction worries)?

    I've had one cat for the past 1 and a half years and he has been the most perfect cat ever apart from a little neediness. We recently adopted another cat from a shelter that is attempting to kill off all the animals in its care. Both are around 5 years old The initial introductions went okay...
  10. S

    worries about traveling to Cancun..?

    I was just wondering what sort of precautions to take when I travel to Cancun? Also, I have only been able to get 60% vaccinated against Hep B so far.. and I have a large port-wine-stain birthmark on my left side, it has recently developed a couple of 'blebs' that spontaneously burst and are...
  11. S

    What is something about the current and future generations that worries you?

    This is a personal opinion question. I'm just curious to see what everyone else out there thinks. My opinion? It worries me that the current generation wants to grow up so quickly without any of the responsibilities required with it. I'm worried that this is leaking in to future generations. The...
  12. M

    My child's father worries me?

    Come may it will be a year since my 8 yr old son's father has seen him. Last time I talk to him back then he said he didn't think our son wanted anything to do w/him or his family after he brought of details of a sexual incident a cousin who is 10 did to him. The story is a lil' more tan 2 yrs...
  13. I

    Relationship/Friends Worries....................?

    -i posted this a while ago but people where just attacking me- Im 26 and married for 5 months to my wonderful husband who thinks the world of me. My (so called) good male 'friend' of 10 years He and i have a sexual past before my marriage that no one knows about. He was my first 'love' and when...