
  1. X

    Christians: whomever may remain these days, how do you minister to friends...

    ...whom are not "yoked" in Christ? Seriously just wondering. ;$ lol....wow ppl have creative imaginations. GOD bless every1.
  2. P

    [ Poll ] So , Whats your favorite dish made by your mom/wife [ whomever you depend

    on for food =) ] ? My favorite would be the Chicken Noodles my mom makes !! . I don't know what she puts in there !! but it gets me everytime =) although my Bro makes it too =) I know what you're talking about , Olivia =)
  3. W

    Why can Europeans on Yahoo abuse whomever they choose but tend to whine and cry if

    they are criticised? Do Europeans have absolutely no cojones?
  4. K

    10 points to whomever can solve one of these riddles!!?

    Okay, I'm very curious to see if any1 can solve these riddles. My friend made them up and I can't figure them out!!! 2-------- 062 0230 949U03 8K5 U03 M5J23 4UJ CMK191J8 12 A9BUJU9M K7G2 062 MUNJ2 JU23 12AKM2 8K5 0K932B1J2 U0 8K5 69D2 0K O7K4 0690 J202M3 69D2 7K D9J52 97N 75B12M3 9M2 3C9G23...
  5. J

    Who should I greet first? My mom? or whomever I run into first?

    I have not seen my family for a year. I am going to a huge family gathering this weekend. When I arrive, should I hug whoever I see first (for example a cousin)? Or should I actively find my mom so I can hug her first? What is the proper etiquette?