
  1. L

    Forget Ron Weasley! Could Hermione Have Ended Up With Harry?

    any thoughts :)
  2. M

    Good Ron Weasley x OC fanfiction stories?

    Does anyone know any good Ron Weasley x OC fanfiction? I really want some good ones please no Mary-sue's lol! xD No stuff like: You are a foreign exchange student from America, despite your age your more powerful than any 7th year, your known as the Slytherin/Gryffindor Princess, all the girls...
  3. M

    Who is the better prankers? Connor and Travis Stoll or Fred and George Weasley?

    Fred and George - twins, been stealing and pranking since a young age, run their own joke shop. Connor and Travis - Brothers, their father is Hermes the god of thieves and is like the god of pranks too in a way, Travis and Connor get up too all sort at Camp Half Blood like stealing and pranking...
  4. M

    Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley?

    Did Harry and Ginny have sex in the HBP, like in the secluded classrooms? I'm not talking about the movie, in the book!
  5. H

    What's Ginny Weasley's Birthday~10pts?

    I've read that its August 11 multiple times. Is that it? Also, was it ever mentioned in the books?I can't remember I read it was August 11th on different sites when I searched it
  6. H

    What's Ginny Weasley's Birthday~10pts?

    I've read that its August 11 multiple times. Is that it? Also, was it ever mentioned in the books?I can't remember I read it was August 11th on different sites when I searched it
  7. A

    Harry Potter; Mrs. Weasley's famous line?

    Do you think they should add Mrs. Weasley's famous "Not my daughter, you *****!" line in the Deathly Hallows movie?
  8. F

    When Weasley's WIzard Wheezes opened had Diagon Alley begun to shut down?

    Had shops already begun to close when The Twins opened their shop? I'm also wondering which book and what year the opening of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes tood place durring.