
  1. G

    Venerable Camping Chair Now Comes with Seat Warmers [Chairs]

    The collapsible camping chair has been a staple of camping sites and tailgating parties for as long as I can remember, but this battery-powered seat warming one from Chaheati is the first I've seen that thaws your keester. More »
  2. C

    where can I find furry leg warmers in washington dc like raver girls wear...

    ...and the outfits? NO lol like these http://ny-image1.etsy.com/il_fullxfull.189393301.jpg dude its not goth its RAVER dance wear like the furry boot covers and the really short shorts or furry skirts
  3. L

    Why do warmers refuse to discuss the CRU scandal?

  4. L

    Why do warmers refuse to discuss the CRU scandal?

  5. P

    Do pie warmers cook pies?

    I am holding a birthday party at a venue that has a pie warmer and I was just wondering how they work, whether they cook the pie from thawed or they only keep the warm or if I can pre cook the pies then the pie warmer will reheat? Sorry it must sound like a silly question but I have never used...
  6. D

    Do satellite dish warmers or covers work to stop snow from accumulating on the dish?

    I live in Colorado and am thinking about going with satellite TV. Since we get lots of snow, and don't want to go outside everyday and clean off the dish, I was looking at one of these. If they don't work, I don't think I would go with satellite TV. Please only respond if you have actually tried...