
  1. F

    SUPER MARIO FANFIC: The Golden Mushroom | Intro - Good or Bad? VOTER?

    Introduction: It was a warm, sunny day in the Mushroom Kingdom. Mario was rearranging Princess Peach's pink tulip garden in front of her castle. A small Mushroom Man wearing a white with red polkadot hat watched quietly as Mario watered the tulips. ''Ah-perfect,'' Mario said as he...
  2. T

    Is the free cell phones lady now the typical voter that our government represents

    from now on? She won the election. She is running the show now. Is this the America you were looking forward to when you were growing up?
  3. M

    What right-wing show ranted about voter IDs today?

    It's pretty easy to tell it happened, just based on all the uninformed questions about it this morning.
  4. G

    Extensive, often Racist Voter Intimidation by Teabaggers Reported in Minnesota

    Minnesota media is reporting several instances of overzealous election challengers in polling places as the Republican Party of Minnesota ramps up its allegations of voter fraud. In several Minnesota precincts, reporters confirmed that GOP poll challengers have overstepped their bounds...
  5. G

    Minnesota Voter Intimidation: "Please ID Me Buttons" maneno

    A group called Minnesota Majority is said to have deployed over 10,000 people to polling stations across Minnesota in what is being called "an aggressive campaign to fight what organizers claim is a widespread problem of voter fraud."And, in so doing, have launched a major episode of voter...
  6. G

    Voter Intimidation in South Carolina

    Surely, South Carolina is the suckiest state in the union these days. So, it is not a surprise to discover that teabaggers are intimidating voters they think may be against them. Early this morning, self-identified tea party activists showed up at a polling station near Benedict College in...
  7. G

    Kansas and Delaware: Reports of Voter Intimidation

    TPM reports that the Kansas Attorney General is looking into reports that some voters were called and told "the election has been moved to Wednesday, that they need to bring their voter registration cards to the polls and that they need proof of homeownership to vote."and The Delaware...
  8. G

    More on Kansas Voter Intimidation by Republicans and Teabaggers

    The Kansas Democratic Party has leveled a charge of voter intimidation and has filed a complaint with the Kansas Attorney General's office.According to the Kansas Democratic Party, they received allegations from "individual" voters from around Kansas who claimed to have received a robo-call from...
  9. G

    More details on Delaware Teabaggers and Voter Intimidation

    The Delaware Democratic Party claimed Tuesday that Republican Senate nominee Christine O'Donnell's supporters were rallying outside polling places and creating a disturbance that amounted to illegal "voter intimidation"...The state Democratic Party first leveled the charge in a brief written...
  10. G

    Voter intimidation

    Elderly Black Voters Allegedly Intimidated At Their Homes In Texas Two middle-aged white Republican activists in Texas allegedly harassed and intimidated at least seven elderly African-American voters at their homes in eastern Texas, according to a complaint filed with the Justice Department...
  11. A

    do you agree with Dubya that low voter turnout is an indication of fewer people

    going to the polls? And how about "If we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure."? Would you agree with that? What about "The vast majority of our imports come from outside the country."? Thanks. Lib- Obama's one misspeak doesn't hold a candle to Bush's hundreds ;) and by the way, I didn't...
  12. G

    Mass Loss was due to bad campaigning, not shift in voter ideals

    An exit survey of Massachusetts voters confirms that "decreased turnout among constituencies that historically have voted for progressive candidates," combined with a strong Republican performance among independents, delivered Scott Brown the margins he needed to win. think progress Read the...