
  1. A

    Mexico vacation ideas needed! I need help in deciding where (safely) to vaca... Mexico.? My boyfriend and I are wanting to take a fun but romantic trip to Mexico around the beginning of July. Preferably when the spring breakers are gone (we are in our 30's) and the prices aren't too high. I personally have already been to Cancun (he hasn't been out of the country) and...
  2. N

    who can tell me this info on Columbus, Vespucci, de leon, cabeza de vaca, de

    soto, coronado, ribault, cabot? Carteir, walter raleigh, humphrey gilbert, cotes, and john hawkins: key date(s), representing, area explored, indian cultures encountered, resulting expansion/collision, significance.... please help. i need this done by Aug. 23
  3. H

    Vacation and Tattoos...My friend and I are getting tattoos on vaca. We...

    ...will be in the sun, and I was wondering? if it made sense to get it during the trip or right at the end. I'm assuming at the end since tattoos and sun dont get along. Just wondering if anyone has any suggestions or advice. Thanks.