
  1. N

    What's the funniest name u've heard?

    Simcard is the funniest name i've heard.
  2. M

    whats the funniest thing u've ever got a detention for?

    Frankly i've never recieve a detention... yet.
  3. L

    Whats ur favorite LOVE STORY novel or MOST ROMANTIC BOOK u've read? And

    please give a SUMMARY of the story? :D? Aside from Twilight, please? Heehee. I'm really interested in romantic stories. Maybe you guys could recommend books for me to read? I loved reading Romeo and Juliet... LOL. Something like that please!
  4. H

    poll: what is the funniest writing on a t-shirt u've seen?

    mine is one that is written on a motorcyclist back it says: "if you can read this, that means the b*tch fell off"
  5. H

    poll: what is the funniest writing on a t-shirt u've seen?

    mine is one that is written on a motorcyclist back it says: "if you can read this, that means the b*tch fell off"
  6. L

    Poll: Whats The Worst Thing U've Done In School??

    ME: HACKING SCHOOL COMPUTERS :P And getting in lots of trouble
  7. M

    Hav u ever been logged into Youtube and u've noticed a celeb u like has logged

    on nearly the same time as u? I logged in about 30 mins ago and i noticed the OFFICIAL Michael Jackson Youtube account had logged in just 5 mins before....just interested
  8. B

    who is the best looking celebrity u've seen?

    zac efron :D <ha ha)