
  1. F

    The Uninvited - how to get a movie released on DVD?

    The Uninvited, made in 1944 and starring Ray Milland, is an excellent movie that gets great reviews. It is widely considered to be one of the best ghost stories ever on film. Yet, it is out of print on VHS and was never released on DVD. This site allows people to vote for its release on DVD...
  2. M

    In 1944 movie, "Uninvited" with Ray Milland, were characters Mary Meredith &

    In 1944 movie, "Uninvited" with Ray Milland, were characters Mary Meredith & Miss Holloway implie Lesbian love? This movie "Uninvited" was made 66 yrs ago & i find it remote that gay characters would've been intended...So, were these 2 women Gay?
  3. M

    The Uninvited 2009 1080p BD9 x264 DOWN

    Name: The Uninvited 2009 1080p BD9 x264 DOWN Category: Movies: HD (x264) Size: 8397.87MB Added: 2009-09-17 15:35:08
  4. B

    My friends uninvited me to go on vacation with them...what should I do?

    My sister is going on this vacation too and she invited me to go with her friends. She said that she was going to pay for my trip. I ended up not being invited because she could not afford to pay for me so she made up an excuse that I could not go. Should I still go if I find a way to pay for my...
  5. V

    can someone explain to me the movie Uninvited..?

    i went to go see it in theatres with a friend the other day, and neither of us get it. like why at the end does she say "i did what you told me, i finished what i started" and which parts of the movie was actually real and not just in her head? the movie frustrated me because i couldn't...
  6. R

    Should i see Taken, the Uninvited, or Slumdog Millionaire?

    What movie should i see and why? If you have any other suggestions than tell me.
  7. A

    Scary/intense scenes in the movie, The Uninvited?

    My friend invited all her friends to watch this movie for her birthday. I'm not fond of scary movies. I decided to go, but honestly, I know I'm going to have nightmares for days! So, please help me be prepared!
  8. E

    Ok so I've read the wiki version of the uninvited and I've seen the movie

    but i'm still losted. Explain? So I saw the movie and at the end I got confused. I know that she's crazy and that the sister really is dead, but how did Rachel have the pearls through out the movie or did she? And how was the other nanny involved? Did she know Rachel?
  9. B

    the movie the uninvited?

    I loved it...especially the twist at the end! what id you guys think?
  10. T

    is the movie uninvited good?

    rate the movie 1-10 plz!
  11. A

    Alright, The Uninvited....?

    okay so heres actually a good question. Did Rachel(the nanny) have the needles to sedate Anna in case she went crazy? like did the cop at the police station call Rachel, who came over and sedated Anna because she was going nuts and whatnot? also was Mildred Kemp actually in the mental hospital...
  12. M

    The uninvited or Taken?

    Which one of these are scarier: The uninvited or Taken? *no spoilers plzz*
  13. X

    Confusion about The Uninvited?

    Who killed the kids? And who was actually Mildred Kemp? Was that Anne too? God that was a freaky movie but what a great twist.
  14. C

    How did everyone like the movie the Uninvited?

    I really liked the Uninvited. I thought it was very suspenseful and had a good story to it. The twist in the end made it a little confusing, but all in all I thought it was a good movie. What did you think?