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    Study Uncovers New Tools For Targeting Genes Linked To Autism

    UCLA researchers have combined two tools - gene expression and the use of peripheral blood - to expand scientists' arsenal of methods for pinpointing genes that play a role in autism. Published in the online edition of the American Journal of Human Genetics, the findings could help scientists...
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    Computerized Text Analysis Uncovers The Word Patterns Of A Psychopathic Killer

    As words can be the soul's window, scientists are learning to peer through it: Computerized text analysis shows that psychopathic killers make identifiable word choices - beyond conscious control - when talking about their crimes. This research could lead to new tools for diagnosis and...
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    iOS 5 File System Sleuthing Uncovers Potentially Beefier AppleTV [Apple]

    9to5Mac's discovered what appears to be a nice new AppleTV hiding in the file system of the upcoming iOS 5 file system code. More »
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    TreatmentTrends®, Multiple Sclerosis Study Uncovers Early Impact Of Gilenya On Percep

    BioTrends recently published TreatmentTrends®: Multiple Sclerosis, a syndicated biannual report that provides a comprehensive view of the current and expected future management of multiple sclerosis (MS) based on primary research fielded with 103 neurologists in the U.S. A parallel report...
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    Saving The Devil: 454 Sequencing Study Uncovers Likely Culprit In Tasmanian Devil Tra

    A study published in the journal, Science, reports that an international team of scientists has identified cells in the nervous system, called Schwann cells, to be the possible cause of the facial tumor disease which is decimating Australia's Tasmanian devil population. Schwann cells make up a...