
  1. D

    Help! I typed Alt 14 and lost everything at the top of my pages, toolbars,

    search everything, how do I? How do I get it back.. How do I get bck to full screen with tool bars
  2. J

    Why did August (Pinocchio) have Bealfire's name typed out?

    Why did August reveal he knew who Bealfire was on the typewriter rather than just say it?
  3. M

    What do you guys think of this Typed document i made concerning money (legality)

    Need some honest opinions!!? A girl about two years ago talked to me about an adult film (she was 19) the video for the adult film was recorded but then deleted promptly after legality concerns and other reasons, she was going to be compensated for pay since it was never taken further the paper...
  4. C

    Is there a free program I can use to record everything that is typed on my computer.?

    I'm looking for key-logging freeware, thanks
  5. E

    Whenever i typed the 's' key it used to print a euro character along with it but...

    ...this problem has gone now.? ... Did a miracle happen? How did this happen, i didn't even show it to any hardware guy?
  6. I

    Why are glasses stereo typed with Nerds or Geeks?

    Ive been thinking about it for a while and Im not entirely sure how does poor eyesight correlate to smart people. Is there some kind of old legend or reason behind it? Thank you xD
  7. S

    Why are MENTHOL CIGARETTES stereo typed as the cigarettes of Black People? this

    is not a joke question? * I have heard people say "Kools" and "Newport" cigarettes are the smokes of the black people. - It does not make any sense to me that menthol cigarettes are race specific? - Why do some people believe most black people smoke only menthol cigarettes? Where did the...
  8. J

    Where can I find a spell checker for typed text on the Internet, i.e. Facebook?

    I would like to have a spell checker for general text on the Internet!
  9. L

    Please help me, this is the eighth introduction for my book I have typed....

    ...Please tell me if its good? Ok so I'm a freshman in high school and an aspiring writer. The books going to be called Receiving Magic. Its about a boy and a girl who are receivers; they are human but they can read auras and produce objects with their minds, they are also empaths, so they can...
  10. T

    Whats that software that lets you type then it says what you typed?

    im pretty sure that the software thing is like a purple color but i think theres lots of them so just tell me the best one you know of
  11. A

    Typed up this response to find the question deleted. Lets start a new one? No

    Whining!? Val: "If there was an all knowing god, there would be no free will, because if everything was known, we would be puppets following the predestined route of the known. As free will is evident in chaos, that rules out the posibility of an all knowing god, because something can't be...
  12. S

    How do I get Internet Explorer to SAVE addresses typed in the address bar?

    It keeps deleting them (not all but I want them to stay in there). Yes, I have AutoComplete on. I have it so my History is saved for a long time.
  13. A

    I had a word doc. (downloaded from the internet at 1000 words). I typed

    another 1000 words and clicked *save.*? NOT save as. Now when I click it, it won't open (the location is not specified). Is there any way I can retrieve thsoe 1000 words?
  14. K

    When I press Search after i have typed in the song i want on frostwire,

    only about 2 results come up. Help!? My computer says Turbo-Chareged connection, so theres no probem there. I don't understand whats wrong, limewire worked but this doesn't for some reason! Can you help me?
  15. J

    Why do people who wear abercrombie, polo and hollistor get stereo typed ??? ?

    tell me what you think ??