
  1. Teninch

    Truthfully Church going Christians, do you not think Paul is the ant-Christ?

    Is it not a classic set-up. Christ was here and gone (in body, not in Spirit) - He has said what needs to be said and now Paul comes along like he has some authority and creates the Church, which in modern day might as well be called Satan's paradise because of the hypocrisy it breads. Isn't it...
  2. D

    Truthfully speaking, are Women really disappointed if they meet a Guy with...

    ...a Limp( bad knees)? If you're a healthy active woman, likes going out, likes having fun, would it be a real turn off if you met a guy with a limp and bad knees? I know some women say "As long as he has a good heart, i dont care" but i dont really think that's truthful. I mean, you want to...