
  1. M

    Is sepsis a transmitted disease?

    I think gave my boyfriend my disease
  2. J

    At what refresh rate and frame rate is dish network transmitted?

    I want to buy a TV for my bedroom just to watch Cable (Dish Network). I am debating between 60hz vs 120 hz LCD tv. Do you know at what refresh rate is Dish Network transmitted? Plus at what frame rate are most movies transmitted via Dish Network? 24fps, 30fps, or 60fps?
  3. T

    Social Stigma Of Contracting A Sexually Transmitted Infection Worse Than That Of An U

    Young people are inadvertently putting themselves at risk of getting an STI by avoiding discussing the subject of their partner's sexual history prior to sleeping together, according to a new report launched today in Dublin. 'The Voice of Young People - A Report on Attitudes to Sexual Health'...
  4. S

    what was the name of alexander grahm bell's assistant that he transmitted... phone his first speech in 1876.? need answer asap.
  5. P

    if two people are virgins can we still get sexually transmitted disese?

    me and my bf when to have sex but this lady from my school was talking and know i have things i whant to know
  6. J

    I think i might have an std or a sexually transmitted disease or maybe even both?

    should i get tested?