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    Manga's Where A Ugly Girl Transforms Into A Beautiful Girl?

    I want to know if their are manga's that a ugly girl is bullied because she's ugly/fat DUH cx & She becomes beautiful to take revenge on the people who bullied,teased her ect , Sorta in a way like Mishounen Produce or mairnuvuchi they transformed in way but BASICALLY I just want a good manga...
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    New ShoreTel Dock transforms iPad and iPhone into desk phone

    New ShoreTel Dock transforms iPad and iPhone into desk phone Posted on 13-May-2013 09:06. | Filed under: News :*VoIP. ShoreTel is introducing the ShoreTel Dock, the industry’s first business-grade docking station that transforms iPhones and iPads into desk phones when paired with...
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    Junior dos Santos wins, transforms from power puncher to happiest man on the planet

    Junior dos Santos defended the UFC belt at UFC 146. In the second round, the barrage of dos Santos' punches were too much for Frank Mir. Referee Herb Dean stopped the fight, and a smile took over dos Santos face. When UFC commentator Joe Rogan asked JDS how he was feeling, the jubilant...
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    New Robotic-Assisted Technology Transforms Treatment Of Kidney Tumors

    The Porter Robotics Institute (PRI) now offers the latest in advanced surgical robotics available to patients with kidney tumors, allowing surgeons the ability to remove just a portion of the kidney. Porter Adventist Hospital is among a handful of centers in the country with advanced...
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    True Blood's Alexander Skarsgård Transforms From Vampire to Viking!

    The only thing better than Alexander Skarsgård shirtless on True Blood? How about the Swedish stud in a skimpy Viking costume? If you agree, you're about to be very happy. The...
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    Sensor Armor Transforms Pitchers Into Finely Honed Machines [Bionics]

    With any sport, the more exhausted you become, the more prone you are to injury. In baseball, this is especially a problem for pitchers. But a new shirt can track a pitcher's form in real time. More »