
  1. DrDeanCrosby

    An Astounding Transcript Describing Satanic Mind Control

    Below you will read a transcript of an online chat I had with one of my clients this morning.She recently escaped from a Satanic commune a few days ago and currently is hospitalized because one of the Satanic priests almost killed her fetus when he shot her with a tazer gun...
  2. A

    Transcript: Tony La Russa’s exhausting bullpen fiasco explanation

    ARLINGTON, Texas — Just when we were in danger of being lulled to sleep by the umpteenth postseason press conference involving a manager along comes the show that Tony La Russa put on after his team's 4-2 loss to the Texas Rangers in Monday's Game 5 of the World Series at Rangers Ballpark...
  3. B

    Today I cheated on a german quiz and got caught will this go on my transcript for... ?!? Today when we were correcting the quiz we passed them back, me and the person behind have a deal to fill in any answers we got wrong, and when we turned them in she called us up to the front and dropped both are grades done to an F! So my questions are 1. Will colleges see that I...
  4. W

    Here's a transcript of ashish bhatia's meeting with the Schlumberger receptionist?

    ashish bhatia - "I am being here to see a Mr Wayne Kerr" Receptionist - (giggles) "I'm sorry sir, I didn't catch your name"? ab - "My name is being mr ashish bhatia. I am a very powerful indian individual; I possess wealth, power and status beyond your wildest imagination. Have I mentioned...
  5. N

    Link to Mary Todd Lincoln Insanity Trial Transcript?

    Can anyone provide an online link to this transcript?
  6. H

    I need the transcript to a 2006 interview of Grant Morrison by Newsarama's Matt

    Brady.? The title to the interview is "Morrison In The Cave: Grant Morrison Talks Batman". The page no longer exists on Newsarama or any other site. Anyone have the transcript?
  7. M

    Transcript of army/navy/air force talking about a missile launch/strike?

    Hi I'm doing an art project involving a missile being launched and I need some military type talk/phrases to go with it. Where can I get a transcript of what the army/navy air force actually say when they do stuff like this? I need six lines of dialog. It's a science fiction piece so the...
  8. J

    Future employer asked for my university transcript,my school marks wasn't...

    ...impressive, what should i tell them? what should i tell them in order for me to avoid having have to provide that information?
  9. D

    Where can I get a transcript of a trial on the internet?

    I need to find details of an various trials in the UK in the South of England Courts.
  10. A

    transcript of birth to travel?

    I have booked a cruise to the Bahamas and need my birth certificate to go, so I ordered one and got a certified transcript of birth data ( I am from NY), it has the seal and all the information on it but it says in big black bold letters that this is not proof of citizenship. Is this going to be...