to kill a mockingbird

  1. T

    Things To Include On My Essay "To Kill A Mockingbird?"?

    I Need Lots Of Examples From The Book About Prejudice . As Many As You Can Think Because i Cant Really Think Of Noe Right Now And i Need You Guys Help . My Essay Is About This Theme “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside...
  2. J

    What are some really good quotes from the novel "To kill a mockingbird"

    that i can use & talk about? and why? I'm writing a persausive feature article which can encourage readers to discover and appreciate the value of classics. I need to talk about the characters, themes as well as quotes from the novel "to kill a mocking bird". Ive talked about why we must read...
  3. J

    How does this poem relate to "To Kill A Mockingbird"?

    I’m stepping out, don’t mess about. Don’t tell me to be patient. I’ve been wedded, enslaved, white washed, and saved, But now, I’m liberated. I’ve been patted, and moulded, and shaped, and scolded And I learned real fast how to please ‘em, I ‘Yessir’ed, and ‘No Ma’am’ed, I was cursed and...
  4. G

    "To Kill A Mockingbird" Experts Please Help?

    ok, i love this book, and im doing a monologue for school via Dolphus Raymond, and i was curious as to whether or not the whole town knew about Bob ewell raping mayella, or if Dolphus knew about it.
  5. L

    Why does "To kill a Mockingbird" Autographed Cost over 700$?

    I know it is one of the best american novels of all time, But why is that an autographed book cost more NOW than it did years ago???
  6. A

    Could you summarize "To Kill A Mockingbird" for me?

    I'm doing a school project on the book & are having trouble understanding it
  7. R

    In the novel "To Kill A Mockingbird" who killed Bob Ewell?

    please help me