
  1. T

    Phase II Trial Shows Selumetinib Reverses Radioiodine Resistance In Some Advanced Thy

    The experimental drug selumetinib may allow some patients with advanced thyroid cancer to overcome resistance to radioiodine (RAI), the most effective therapy for the disease, according to new research from Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. Published in the February 14 issue of the New...
  2. L

    Christians: Should adult children of abusive/toxic parents "honor thy father and...

    Christians: Should adult children of abusive/toxic parents "honor thy father and... ...thy mother"? A lot of damage has been done in the name of obedience. If there was physical/sexual abuse in the home and the parent had their parental rights terminated, should I still have to respect them and...
  3. L

    If Christianity IS about Christ's message to 'Love Thy Enemy' why does Richard

    Dawkins get threatening emails? WARNING this clip contains very bad language -but it is VERY funny! (end section)
  4. S

    porn apps on iPhone..... do thy exist?

    i lookd, cant find any are thre any??????
  5. _ttCandyLovertt_

    which is better thy Motorola back flip or lg neon?

    i am not sure which one to save up for by the way i'm 12 and love texting so yeah plz help
  6. E

    What are single blind and double blind studies and how are thy used to

    stop self-fulfillng prophecies? i need answer plz very impotant ;) thanx
  7. G

    Convenient Illumination, Thy Name Is Magnetic LED Mine [Flashlight]

    As long as you live in a submarine, a refrigerator or a steel box, this Striker magnetic LED mine will be extremely useful for odd-angle illumination. If not, not as much. $9 dudes! Then again, sink work and car work would probably benefit from a nicely-placed light. Assuming, of course, that...
  8. R

    Girls who play video games !!! Thy call uponeth you for I am in need of your...

    ...service !!!? This test/survey is designed specifically for females that play video games, and I know a lot of guys are going to answer this and they can since I too need info from guys, as long as I know if they ARE guys I've started learning programming to become a video game designer...