
  1. M

    ways to get you a** kicked at the office...funny joke thingys?

    lol i just love 7. I AM gonna do that at school tomorrow.. i will right down ALL The things people say like "shut up" lol
  2. P

    you know those 'my chinese coach' and well all those learining language game thingys?

    do they actually teach you the language really well or they just a load of crap that cant teach to save there lives?...not that games have lives but you get what i mean lol
  3. O

    How often should I do lower back hyperextension thingys?

    I work out 3 times a week, Im doing these to hopefully strengthen my core and lessen lower back pain. How many sets and how many reps should I do each day??
  4. Y

    are people who wear those bluetooth thingys going to evolve into star trek robot

    thingys? the kinds that look like biker zombies