the great gatsby

  1. Q

    How to explain the statement from "The Great Gatsby"?

    How to explain the following statement? I have no idea. "I see now that this has been a story of the West, after all - Tom and Gatsby, Daisy and Jordan and I, were all Westerners, and perhaps we possessed some deficiency in common which made us subtly unadaptable to Eastern life."
  2. T

    How do the roles of women in "My Antonia" and "The Great Gatsby" differ?

    How do the roles of women in "My Antonia" and "The Great Gatsby" differ? This is a question I have about the two books I'm reading in my English class. Help would be greatly appreciated.
  3. C

    Words to summarize "the great gatsby"!!!!! Asap?

    i need 4-6 words which seem central to the novel. to summariz the novel. I need this by tonight so pleasssseeee help me!!
  4. C

    Words to summarize "the great gatsby"!!!!! Asap?

    i need 4-6 words which seem central to the novel. to summariz the novel. I need this by tonight so pleasssseeee help me!!