
  1. M

    What are good Android apps thay convert YouTube videos to MP3?

    Recently made the switch from iOS to Android so I don't know the ins and outs of the Play store. I want an app that can convert any video on YouTube into mp3. Or maybe and app that'll downooad youtube videos and a seperate app that can convert videos to mp3. Help would be greatly appreciated...
  2. M

    has anyone ever been so high thay take off all their close and go for a jog?

    I did
  3. B

    there was an old website called rude thay are no longer there?

    thay had to flashes that i want to find one was called the ultimate sunglasses and the other was the smurfs are at it agian does anyone know where i can find those flashes
  4. F

    if two laptops have wi-fi support does thi mean that thay can exchange data between

    the laptops have to be connected to the same router in order to transfer stuff between them.
  5. S

    voices in my head and they hurt me when thay get mad?

    thare are 2 of them i named them vi-v-i and lili thay hate my mom and tell me to kill her and if i dont thay hurt me it feels like hiting and scraching and it hurts bad and i cant get them to stop and the 1 i named lili sayd shes will hurt me if i dont stay up and i'm scared can thay kill me? HELP