
  1. R

    What tetras would you recommend?

    I'm getting a shoal of maybe 5-7 tetras, what kind would you recommend? I have a heater in my tank :)
  2. C

    can i mix neon tetras with glow light tetras?

    i have a 10 gallon double filtered tank with tons of hiding places. i have a male betta and 3 glow light tetras. I was going to get 3 more glow light tetras, but i was thinking of doing 3 neon tetras, so then i'll complete the school of six. The water perimeters are good and its cycled. my Betta...
  3. S

    Can 1-2 neon tetras live in a goldfish bowl?Or a 5 gallon tank with 2

    accessories,rainbow gravel and a heater? I asked my dad and he said maybe, I only have 5 bucks and Petco sells Neon Tetras around 99¢ each. I also have a 5 gallon tank, Could i also use that?
  4. S

    is there anyway i can introduce more serpae tetras to the one i have?

    ok so i only have 1 serpae tetra and i know they like to live in groups. about 3 months ago, i introduced about 4 to the one i have but for some reason it ended up attacking and killing them. i really want to get it some buddies as i can tell its not happy because its not been eating. looks...
  5. K

    my neon tetras have had babys, i have no idea about this.?

    should i put in a plant to provide more cover, my tank isn't really big enough for them and i dont have another to put them in. any advice on what to do with them would be appreciated! fanks
  6. Jordan

    i have a ten gallon fish tank with two newts, three neon tetras, and three...

    ...ghost shrimp.? would having two filters make me able to have a three or more fish in there, and would two filters make me able to clean it less often? answer those two questions separately please.
  7. E

    Angel Fish and Neon tetras?

    I have a 29 gallon tank. I know I want one Angel fish in it how many Neon tetras can I have in with the angel fish?
  8. K

    i just got 6 harlequin tetras... feeding question?

    they seem very happy so far, enjoying swimming into the bubbles of the filter. but i just got them today, and the woman at the aquarium said i shouldn't feed them today, but tomorrow when they have settled in further. i got flake food for them, but im wondering how many flakes should i put in...
  9. K

    i just got 6 harlequin tetras... feeding question?

    they seem very happy so far, enjoying swimming into the bubbles of the filter. but i just got them today, and the woman at the aquarium said i shouldn't feed them today, but tomorrow when they have settled in further. i got flake food for them, but im wondering how many flakes should i put in...
  10. D

    black skirt tetras and gold skirt tetras mingling?

    they are essentially the same fish, just different colours.... Not sure if fish will only technically school with their own colours, but I have 4 blackskirts and 4 goldskirts. They are schooling together. Will I need 2 more of each to have proper schools, or is the 8 together fine? its a 60...
  11. D

    will balloon red eye tetra and regular red eye tetras mingle?

    so i have a 25 gallon tank that holds 2 african dwarf frogs, 1 betta, some ghost shrimp, and 4 balloon red eyed tetras. i was wondering if i could get the regular red eyed tetras to school with the balloon red eyed tetras. i had 5 but 2 of them got swim bladder disease. one we had to euthanize...
  12. E

    Are 4 Rams, 4 rainbow fish, 4 dwarf Guaramis, and 6 neon tetras Compatible?

    If not why arent they compatible? They would be in a 46 gallon. Also whats algea eater that can live in a 46 gallon (Not very Big)
  13. N

    Will a senegal Bichir eat Congo tetras?

    30 gallon tank
  14. J

    Can my gloFish be put into a tank with Neon or Glowlight Tetras?

    I have a tank with GloFish in it and my friends and I are getting ready to get a place together. They want to buy some fish to contribute to my tank...they like Harlequin Rasboras, Neon Tetras, Glowlight Tetras, and of course I already have a few catfish to keep my tank clean...my question is...
  15. D

    Whats the biggest fish I could keep in a 15 gallon tank with a school of tetras?

    I want 2 decent size fishes to compliment the school of, neon and cardinal tetras. This is all my plan anyway, i am yet to start, Ive just bought the tank so have a while til I can start adding fish, but I want to plan what to get in advance. Thanks guys.
  16. S

    are neon tetras a good fish to have?

    are neon tetras a hardy and good fish to have because i want to buy a 10 gallon tank and put neon tetras in it,and if i put them in a 10 gallon tank how many can i keep in there maximum. and please tell me some cool things about them like how thy act and stuff thank you
  17. M

    Do tetras mix well with male Siamese Fighting Fish?

    I have a small tank that has 3 dividers in it (to separate the Siamese fish) but can I mix a few tetras in each compartment without stressing the Siamese ones? Is there any fish that is ok to combine with the Siamese Fish? Any suggestions are welcomed! With Thanks