
  1. R

    Do you need s heater to keep tetra fish?

    I am looking to get amano shrimp and have been sending out questions to see what fish I could keep with them. I was told (on ask) that I could keep tetras. I know their tropical, so do they need a heater? Also, do they need anything special in the tank? Could I just put a heater in the coldwater...
  2. B

    TETRA Problem! (to do with filter)?

    I have 1 betta, 2 neon tetras and 2 rummy nose tetras (i know i need more but i only have a 70L tank and petshop dont tell you that they need to be in big groups -_-) anyway i have one internal filter that is 380L/H and when i have just that filter, it doesn't clean the water very well although...
  3. M

    i have a bloodfinned tetra?

    i have a blood finned tetra and i was wondering what fish are compatible with it and i was wondering if it is ok by itself and not with another one of it species i am currently out of room for my tank and dont have enough room for any other bloodfins
  4. C

    How Long Does It Take Black Neon Tetra's To School In A New Tank?

    Me and my fiance just got a ten gallon tank we have in it 4 black neon tetra. we have had them in there for about five hrs and they have not schooled up again. We know that they were all part of the same school because we got them all out of the same school at the fish store. Should we get a few...
  5. B

    A question on Tetra vacation slow release feeder?

    I just bought the gel formula tropical tetra vacation slow release feeder for up to 14 days. The directions say to drop feeding "blocks" in the tank. Is the whole container just one block? It just seems like a lot to put in there. Thanks.
  6. D

    will balloon red eye tetra and regular red eye tetras mingle?

    so i have a 25 gallon tank that holds 2 african dwarf frogs, 1 betta, some ghost shrimp, and 4 balloon red eyed tetras. i was wondering if i could get the regular red eyed tetras to school with the balloon red eyed tetras. i had 5 but 2 of them got swim bladder disease. one we had to euthanize...
  7. A

    Why won't my Tetra Whisper 30-60 gallon heater heat my 50 gallon tank?

    I have a Tetra Whisper 30-60 gallon rated heater in my 50 gallon tank... it refuses to bring the water up past 71 degrees. I need it at 78. What's going on?! I've even tried running two heaters at once! It's supposed to have a little thermometer in it to tell when it is up to heat, and then...
  8. C

    Plant and Neon Tetra Questions?

    1.- I have 6 Neon Tetras in a 5 Gallon Bow. For about a week now, they have started, and increasing in frequency, nipping at each other. I do not know why this aggression has popped up. I have not changed anything in the tank, and this did not happen 3 Weeks ago. Can someone tell me why they...
  9. J

    i have a freshwater tank & i have a few black skirt tetra fish and one

    of them has a long pinkish redish strip? going down the middle of the tail , and that wasnt there last night i just saw it tonight..... its more red at the bottom of the tail, what is it and what can i do ?
  10. J

    How do i take care of a neon tetra fish?

    I just want one and i wanna know how to properly take care of it because i want it for a long time!
  11. C

    What fish can I put in a tank with 3 Diamond Tetra?

    I have a 31L tropical tank with elodium plants, water atabout 26C and 3 Diamond Tetra. I would like to get some more fish (preferably tropical) with a bit more colour than the tetra. Any suggestions on what fish would go peacefully with the tetra, as I am quite worried about nipping/agressive...