
  1. T

    Terminology used to describe preinvasive breast cancer may affect patients' treatment

    When ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS, a preinvasive malignancy of the breast) is described as a high-risk condition rather than cancer, more women report that they would opt for nonsurgical treatments, according to a research letter by Zehra B. Omer, B.A., of Massachusetts General Hospital -...
  2. L

    Why the wierd terminology in Interval theory?

    Tritone, Perfect 5th, Major 3rd, etc. Why not just say (e.g. 2 semitones apart, or 2 whole tones apart, etc.)? Why all the high-falutent and confusing terms?
  3. »

    What does arm/disarm means in Aviation Terminology?

    I have heard of Arming OR Disarming the flight doors, Auto Throttle, Auto Brakes, Flaps.. But i am not sure of what does it mean exactly? Is it the process of visual verification in the cabin? (Locked & Armed?) Thanks for answering.
  4. X

    what does idk mean?is it an internet terminology that?

    i saw it more here than anywhere else..
  5. A

    Terminology for the background crowd scream- in songs like Usher's In this club!!?

    I need to get a sound effect which is "backgrouns sream" Like the one in in this club- eg..in the chorus-after he says!! i wana make love in this club *((yeaaaahhh))* so wat is dat yeaaah called :S
  6. K

    Basketball: Terminology of sneaky offensive sprint?

    In basketball, what is it called when you are on defence, but then you switch over to offence and race down the court and get the ball while everyone else is looking away or behind you? My friends told me I was "snowbirding" when I did that, so what do you guys think?
  7. A

    Car audio terminology help please?

    i need to know what these things mean on a subwoofer for a car! 1. Dual and single voice coils ohms 2. Watt RMS and Peak 3. Woofer sensitivity 4. power handleing please help with those terms and what they mean! if you wanna know what im looking at heres the link...