
  1. D

    How can I master tenses?

    In my writing, the most commonly recurring problem people see is I continually use different tenses. How can I fix this?
  2. G

    I have an elderly dog who tenses up & starts whining randomly? What's wrong with him?

    I have an elderly dog who tenses up & starts whining randomly? What's wrong with him? We adopted him & we aren't sure of his age. But when he tenses up sometimes he poops and pees where he is. Can anyone explain what might be wrong with him?
  3. R

    Help! i need many trivia using the 12 tenses of the verbs in active and passive...

    ...form.? thanks in advance!
  4. K

    Should I Switch tenses?

    What do you think about switching tenses, just for one scene? I have a dream scene which would really sound much better in present tense, should I switch tenses? Or is it just weird? Also, can someone critique this: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20101124141405AAlXrXH